
Wednesday 11 March 2015

VonPappe Wednesday #6

Servus and welcome to another VonPappe Wednesday!

If you don't know what "VonPappe Wednesday" is: once per month - on a Wednesday - I am sharing a tutorial over here on the That Craft Place challenge blog in which I show you how to create something grungy, quirky, whimsycal, steampunk-ish, artsy,.....with the stuff lovely Lisa sells at her online and bricks and mortar shop.

I especially love to work with the MDF laser cut pieces she does as they are heavenly bulky and lightweight at the same time! And of course I have used some of them on today's project:

 (click on image for enlarged view)

This time I used some pieces from the fab "Arrows Grab Bag"

alongside a lovely fence piece cut from greyboard.

Other materials used on my project:

-various acrylic paints (any brand will do.

I used DecoArt Traditions (T), Americana (A) and media fluid acrylics (mfa): Raw Umber (T), Medium White (T), Opaque White (T), Mulberry (A), Quinadridone Red (mfa), Diarylide Yellow (mfa).
 If you don't have the exact brands any other tones close to them will do as well.

- Art Podge or DecoArt matte Decou-Page
- DecoArt media white Crackle Paint
- a piece of white foam board (or thick corrugated card)
- paper flowers in reds, browns and pink
- white Sharpie
- markers (I used the Faber Castell PITT artist pens): black, blue, green, pink, red
- sticky foam pads
- sharp knife and metal ruler
- cutting mat
- old book pages
- soft brush
- designer papers
- various washi tapes
- wood button
- label maker

If you browse Lisa's fab store you will find a great variety to choose from!

Here we go!

(click images for larger view)

To me the arrows also look like tiny house shapes. I cut some of the arrows that point into two directions into two pieces to get more house shapes for my project (image 1). 

The smaller piece of the greyboard fence set was cut in half as I needed two lower fences for my tiny houses (image 2).

I cut a large piece of white foamboard to size (so the four house shapes and their surroundings fit in easily) and cut four frame pieces from the left overs (image 3). 

I glued the house shapes onto some old dictionary pages using Art Podge/matte Decou-Page. Once dry I cut off any excess (image 4).


I glued the frame onto the back panel and covered the whole frame with old dictionary scraps using a soft brush and Art Podge (image 1).

While that was set aside to dry I painted my fence pieces with Raw Umber. Once that was dry I applied a coat of white DecoArt Crackle Paint (image 2) (once the crackle process starts the dark brown colour from underneath will show through and make the cracks visible)
Note: most crackle media do not work on unsealed, porous surfaces. Any acrylic paint or glue or sealant will do the job though. 

The dry frame was toned down using a wash of "Medium White" acrylic paint (image 3)

The houses were given a coat of diluted "Opaque White" (image 4).


The outer frame was given some strokes of the diluted Opaque White too to highlight it (image 1).

Then I browsed my designer papers for various blue and green sheets (needed for the clowds and hills). (image 2)

First I determined the exact places for my houses to go in - then I tore to size some clowds and the four hills. It is important to create overlaps as this will create a lot of depth! (image 3)

The clowds were collaged onto the background using the matte Decou-Page/Art Podge. Then I dabbed some Raw Umber acrylic paint around the edges of the frame using my fingertips (don't be afraid to leave visible fingerprints - this is what we are aiming for ;) (image 4)

Continue with:

Browse your paper flower stash for smaller flowers in reds, browns and pinks. Try to find at least two different tones of each) (image 1)

Cut the flowers leaves off the centres (image 2). The single leaves will be used as roof tiles!

Glue your roof tiles onto the painted houses starting from the bottom of the roofs and overlapping each leaf! Let each upper row of leaves overlap the lower row (image 3).

Paint your houses, embellish them with varios washi tapes, then doodle on the windows and doors. Also add some texture to single roof tiles to add more detail (image 4 and image below).

Almost there:

Before you fix the houses to your background, add some birds to the sky (either by using a washi tape like I did...or by stamping or collageing them on) (image 1).

Glue your houses to the background using layers of sticky foam pads. I glued two of my houses on flat and the other two needed a stack of sticky foam pads so they could overlap the other houses. Then I added the torn to size hills the same way. (image 2)

Add the crackled fences. If you want to have more of your doodling on the houses showing through, just add a higher stack of sticky foam pads to the back of the fences so there will be more space between the house and the fence. (image 3)

For a finishing touch add an image title using a label maker (image 4 and image below).

For my sun I painted a wood button with bright orange acrylic paint and glued it to the background. Then I painted some sketchy orange and black circles around it to make it blend in. (image below).

Some more close ups:

The finished shadowbox frame:

I hope you like it!

And just in case you haven't already joined in: there are still three more days left to play along and enter the actual TCP Mother's Day Challenge (which is an anything goes this time! Yay!)

And the winners and Top3 from the "Film" challenge have been announced too. Find out about them HERE.

Hugs and happy crafting,


  1. Loved this project! Its so cute,whimsical and awesome!!!

  2. Amazing Claudia! I can't believe this village was built with arrows and flower petals! You are a genius, wow!! Love it! hugs :)

  3. Oh wow! So creative! Love the little houses! Beautiful work! Xx

  4. I really love how you created such depth here Claudia- your layers are fab- as are your roof tiles! thanks for sharing! xo

  5. Wonderful shadow box, Claudia. Great way to use arrows as houses, love it!

  6. Love This Claudia!! XOXO-Shari


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